Notes on Resturants in Rome


Italy is a country that is justly famous for its culture and food. Italian and French cuisine have been the most influential cooking styles in the western world. Rome is reputed to be not only the civic capital of Italy, but also the culinary capital. Rome not only has its own culinary style, but its location in the center of Italy also means that culinary styles from both the North and South are represented.

This web page (like my other web pages on Italy) have been written for my own use. My notes on resturants in particular reflect the area I will be staying in during my visit to Rome, the Centro Storico (historic center) of Rome, near the Piazza Navona and the Pantheon.

It is said that Venice is one of the most expensive cities in Italy. Rome seems to top Venice when it comes to restaurant prices (or hotel prices). The era of Italy as a cheap vacation destination for Northern Europeans and Americans is now long over.

Most restaurants are closed on Sunday. And interesting exception is the Fraterna Domus (see below).

The references I have used are:

The Centro Storico (Piazza Navona and the Pantheon)

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The Via del Governo Vecchio off the of Piazza Navona seems to have a number of reasonably priced places to eat.

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