June 2011 This web page was originally written in 2000 and the last update, before I added this addendum, was in 2004. As Steven King's Gunslinger would say, "the World has moved on" since then. The Internet bubble burst long ago. Sun Microsystems has been purchased by Oracle. My thinking about the choice between C++ and Java for software development has also changed. I would use Java to develop software, unless I had a compelling reason incur the high costs of using C++. One of my core complaints about Java was the overhead incurred by the Java virtual machine. Since I wrote this essay, Java execution has gotten a lot faster. Programs that are run once, like a compiler, will still experience the overhead of the Java virtual machine. However, the Hot Spot compiler will dynamically compile portions of long running servers so that they execute with close to native compile speed. Examples of long running servers include database access engines, market trading systems and document search systems hosted on a Java Servlet container like Apache Tomcat. There are many reasons that Java should be the langauge of choice for implementing an application:
When the decision is made to implement an application is C++, a huge cost is incurred. Memory allocation and reference errors are a constant concern. Many class libraries that are available without cost in Java are either not available in C++ or must be purchased. As a result, developing in C++ will take longer and developing reliable code is more difficult. There are valid reasons for choosing to develop software in C++. For example:
Outside of areas like these, there are rarely good reasons to bear the huge costs incurred by C++ software. C++ software development is increasingly a backwater and those who use C++ without a compelling reason don't understand that far better options exist. |
Sometimes I feel that Java is not just a programming language, class library and runtime, but a religion. One of the books from Sunsoft Press is titled Not Just Java: A Technology Briefing, by Peter Van der Linden, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, October 1999. The "blurb" for this book reads, in part:
Not Just Java is an up-to-the-minute briefing for IT professionals who need an executive summary of Java's impact on the Web, intranets, and E-commerce, as well as the role it will play in lowering the cost of computing. Understand how Java changes everything and more importantly how it will affect your IT organization. [italics added]
So it's "Not Just Java" but a religion that "changes everything". No religion is complete without dogma. Part of the dogma of Java is that a Java application can be compiled once and run anywhere, on any platform and the same results will be obtained. The "compile once, run anywhere" part of the Java dogma depends, in theory, on Java running on the Java virtual machine which provides a software Java processor on every platform.
The problem with the "Java is the virtual machine" dogma is that it ignores the fact that for many applications Java is really slow. Java is slow even for an interpreted language. Some of this is due to the Java execution model.
A Java program is executed by running the Java virtual machine with the main class as an argument. The virtual machine will load this class, verify the byte code and then dynamically load and resolve all the classes referenced by this main class. Since these classes will in turn be verified and dynamically resolved, this process recursively loads and resolves all classes referenced by the application. This places a significant overhead on Java startup.
For example, I have published the source for a Java class file disassembler on these web pages. I tested this code by unpacking Sun's rt.jar, which contains the class library for Java 2. I then used the UNIX find command to recursively walk this directory tree and run the class file disassembler on each class. This kind of chaining of utility programs is natural in the UNIX environment. However, each time a class file is processed, the Java virtual machine must be loaded and the class file disassembler application dynamically resolved. This makes the execution of this utility surprisingly slow.
Another example, from a posting in comp.compilers:
On the topic of a processor simulator in Java, I can give you fairly accurate empirical results: I've just completed a fairly large ISA (MIPS32/MIPS64) simulator written in ISO C++, to replace a MIPS32 simulator written in Java and used in our Operating Systems course (University of New South Wales). Even without doing just-in-time translation of MIPS machine code to the target architecture, the speed-up was over 30 times. Unlike the Java simulator, my C++ simulator does some substential runtime checking. If our OS students are a representative sample, I can tell you one thing for sure: by staying clear of Java for processor simulation you're save yourself a lot of grief and customer support calls in the long run.
I think the moral of the story is that Java isn't well suited for CPU-intensive (esp. bit manipulation-intensive) applications that do 99% of work in a single tight but large loop with longjumps all over the place (to handle exceptions and interrupts.) My guess is that, even with JIT JVM, the performance is killed by the required bounds checking on the register file.
Patryk Zadarnowski
I have not seen Java perform well for compiler like applications. For example, the performance of the ANTLR parser generator, which is written in Java, is poor. For a 5K line grammar ANTLR takes a noticable amount of time. This is not a real problem with ANTLR and I mention it only as an example of a compiler like application. Here is another example from personal correspondence, in response to my mention that Java is a poor choice for compilers.
I translated the Sun Java compiler itself into C++ and realized a 10x speed boost, so I know what you're talking about.
Java is a simpler language than C++ and has features like garbage collection that would make it desirable for implementing large applications. But the virtual machine limits Java to applications where Java's performance is not the bottleneck. Virtual memory usage in Java is also awkward. The virtual machine has its own "memory". Memory usage cannot grow as an application executes. Java's memory space must be allocated at startup. The performance handicap and lack of flexibility created by the Java virtual machine suggest that it is unlikely that Java will ever be used for processor and memory intensive applications like VLSI chip design and simulation.
The performance problem introduced by the JVM is hardly unknown to Sun. They seem to take two tacks:
There is no performance problem. For GUI, networking (e.g., Web), or application with lots of database lookups, the application performance is not limited by the JVM but by I/O to the graphic display or the network or the speed of the database engine. Ultimately the Java class references that support the GUI or networking break down to calls to native methods. So in these cases Java's performance can be similar to that of C or C++.
There is a performance problem, but new Java technology, like the Just In Time (JIT) compiler and the HotSpot optimizer allow Java to run as fast or faster than native compiled code.
The first claim is probably true for networking code, and I would have guessed that it was true for GUI code as well. But truth is hard to come by and guessing is certainly not the same as factual data. Java is a new language and the computer science community (both commercial and academic) only just starting to get experience with Java. Vitaly Mikheev, the Java Project Manager at Excelsior, which developed the JET native Java compiler, writes:
Our experience with compling many AWT samples shows that the compiled version works much faster. Acceleration of Swing samples is even more significant. These results have a simple explanation: the current version of the Java GUI class library (AWT/Swing) is large enough so the amount of Java code running before direct calls to the operating system API is quite significant.
The second claim is true, at best, for a very limited number of applications that run for a very long time, don't use increasing amounts of virtual memory and have lots of loops that can be optimized by the HotSpot optimizer.
Sun is attempting to compare technologies like JIT and HotSpot to static optimizing compilers (e.g., for C++). To state the obvious, the advantage of static compilation is that it is done once. When full optimization is turned on, the compiler slows down significantly. But production code is run many times, so this is a cost most users are willing to pay.
A good optimizing compiler can reduce the code size by half and increase performance by a factor of two over unoptimized code. If the same optimization algorithms that are used in an optimizing compiler were used in a Java JIT, the JIT would be huge and it would run slowly until its code generation was complete. For most applications this would result in an unacceptable runtime startup cost.
Even if JIT is only optimizing the "hot spots", a proportional cost will be paid. And not all programs have hot spots. The inner loop theory is only true for some applications, not all. Compilers and many tools used in the EDA industry (e.g., logic synthesis) are not loop intensive. Optimizing compilers produce improvement throughout the code, not just in loops.
What I have described above is largely my intuition based on what I know of compiler design and software architecture. I could be wrong or Sun could be using techniques that I know nothing about. Clearly what is needed is some hard evidence. Understanding performance issues is a lot of work, but truth is never cheap. Sun has an compiler group that has put a lot of effort into optimizing the output of their C++ compiler. Java and C++ share many similarities so comparing Java's performance to C++ is a reasonable comparison. So if Sun really believes that Java performance issues are put to rest by JIT and/or HotSpot they should publish a set of benchmarks, preferably against their own C++ compiler. If HotSpot comes within twenty percent of the performance of optimized native code I am happy to concede the point.
The Java world is moving at an amazing pace. Keeping my Java web pages up to date with the various developments in native compilation is becoming time consuming. Material is starting to appear benchmarking native Java compilers. If you know of other benchmark data, please send me e-mail (iank@bearcave.com).
Microsoft Research has performed some fairly extensive benchmark tests of their Marmot Java compiler against Visual C++. A excellent report has been published on this work. To download it, go to http://www.research.microsoft.com and enter Marmot in the search window.
A small software company, Natural Bridge, which sold an optimizing Java byte code to native code compiler, has done some benchmarking work. See their Benchmarking comparisions. Benchmarking a compiler is not easy. To truely understand how well a compiler does optimization, an entire test suite, like Nullstone is needed. Natural Bridge has also published an excellent web page on how people have lied or stretched the truth when it comes to benchmarks. (The NaturalBridge links above are to the web pages archived in the Internet Archive. Natural Bridge no longer sells Java to native code compilers. They have chosen to remove these web page from their web site.)
Nine Language Performance Round-up: Benchmarking Math & File I/O by Christopher W. Cowell-Shah, January 8, 2004
This set of benchmarks is in direct contradiction to the thesis presented here that for may applications Java extracts a performance penalty because of interpretive overhead. These benchmarks suggest that the performance of Sun's Java 1.4.2 is close to native compiled C/C++ (compiled via GNU gcc or Microsoft's .NET compiler). The author notes at the end of the article
Third, Java 1.4.2 performed as well as or better than the fully compiled gcc C benchmark, after discounting the odd trigonometry performance. I found this to be the most surprising result of these tests, since it only seems logical that running bytecode within a JVM would introduce some sort of performance penalty relative to native machine code. But for reasons unclear to me, this seems not to be true for these tests.
This benchmark does shows that Java performance is significantly worse than compiled langauges for I/O, which may account for my experience, which is that Java performance is poor for language processors (e.g., compilers and parsers).
As Christopher Cowell-Shah notes, it is reasonable to expect JVM overhead and if this overhead is not observed, it is important to ask why it is missing.
Virtual machines (or interpreters) are large switch statements. For example:
switch (opCode) { case INT_ADD: ... break; case BYTE_LOAD: ... break; etc... } // end switch
Java Virtual Machines are usually written in C or C++ and compiled into native code. Since Java runs at a level of abstraction "above" the native hardware, we would expect that it would run slower.
VLSI chips are designed using hardware design languages, commonly Verilog or VHDL. The Verilog code for the instruction decode logic in a microprocessor would look similer to the software "decode" logic above. However, Verilog is "compiled" into logic netlists.
VLSI logic designers attempt to realize as much parallelism as possible in their designs. In this case the instruction fetch, decode and execute steps can be pipelined (e.g., overlapped). Once the pipeline fills, while one instruction is being fetched, one instruction is being decoded and another is being executed. The iNTEL x86 processors can support multiple instruction pipelines, so in the best case multiple instructions can be executed in parallel. Microprocessors can also store intermediate results in registers, where the Java virtual machine stores them on a memory based stack (where the access is at least a factor of ten slower).
An optimizing compiler attempts to take advantage of these hardware features. If the targeted microprocessor architecture supports pipelining and multiple instruction issue, the compiler optimization algorithms attempt to generate code that will run in parallel.
Given this comparision between the Java virtual machine and hardware instruction execution it is reasonable to expect that, all things being equal, native microprocessor code would be faster than interpreted Java byte codes. If we observe Java running as fast or nearly as fast as compiled C/C++ there must be a reason. Here are some reasons that occur to me:
Most of the benchmark execution time is not spent in simple instruction execution. For example, a Java version of the linear algebra LINPAC benchmark, or the trigonometry benchmark above, may run with performance comparable to C/C++ because most of the time is spent executing floating point instructions. If 80% or 90% of the time is spent in hardware floating point operations then the fact that microprocessors can do integer operations and loads and stores faster matters less.
The Java (in the benchmark) was compiled to native code via a JIT. Long running Java servers may meet or exceed C/C++ performance, even when JIT compile time is factored in. Here we are comparing compiled native code to compiled native code. Optimization is easier to do in Java (no unrestricted pointers) so a JIT may beat optimized C/C++.
The Java code being benchmarked may have better cache performance. A significant performance penalty is paid for cache misses.
The compiler does a bad job compiling C/C++ into native code. There are cases where the GNU compiler is remarkably bad.
Performance of Java versus C++ by J.P. Lewis
The conclusion of this web page seems to be "Java is not slow, you just think it is". And in some cases the author is right, Java is not slow. But once again, I find it odd that the author seems to ignore the fact that Java runs on a software virtual machine (the JVM). If Java does not pay a five to ten fold performance penalty, there must be a reason.
Some of the performance that J.P. Lewis sees appears to be a result of the Java JIT, which is part of the more recent Java runtime systems. The JIT can be very effective for long running server codes and Java will, without question, run at native code speeds. As Mr. Lewis notes, C/C++ is more difficult to optimize than Java, so you can probably generate more efficient native code from Java.
Keith Lea's C++ vs. Java Performance tests
This is another set of benchmarks that claims to prove that not only is Java not slower than C++, it is faster in a number of cases. Keith Lea, who ran these tests, states "I was sick of hearing people say Java was slow, when I know it's pretty fast, so I took the benchmark code for C++ and Java from the now outdated Great Computer Language Shootout and ran the tests myself."
Keith Lea's results are discussed in a Java Development Journal article by Jeremy Geelan here.
Keith Lea's web page which discusses his results can be found here.
A slashdot discussion of these results can be found here
Keith Lea's web page discussing the benchmark results is titled The Java is Faster than C++ and C++ Sucks Unbiased Benchmark. If it is true that Java, with it's JVM interpretive overhead, beats C++ I suppose that I would have to conclude that when it comes to performance, C++ does indeed suck.
Keith notes that the Java "server" JVM is considerably faster in execution than the "client" JVM. This may be because the server JVM includes the JIT compiler. The cost of the higher server JVM performance is higher memory use and slightly slower startup time. Keith includes some interesting notes on running the server version of the JVM:
Every form of Sun's Java runtime comes with both the "client VM" and the "server VM." Unfortunately, Java applications and applets run by default in the client VM. The Server VM is much faster than the Client VM, but it has the downside of taking around 10% longer to start up, and it uses more memory.
There are two ways to run Java applications with the server VM:
- When launching a Java application from the command line, use
java -server [arguments...]
instead ofjava [arguments...]
. For example, usejava -server -jar beanshell.jar
.- Modify the
file in your Java installation. (It's a text file, so you can use Notepad or Emacs to edit it.) This is located in C:\Program Files\Java\j2reXXX\lib\i386\ on Windows, /usr/java/j2reXXX/lib/i386/ on Linux. You will see two lines:You should change them to:-client KNOWN -server KNOWNThis change will cause the server VM to be run for all applications, unless they are run with the-server KNOWN -client KNOWN-client
One possible caution about making the change described in 2, above. This may cause the broswer to use the server version. This might cause the browser to use more memory, increasingly what can already be a piggish memory footprint.
As I've noted above, I'm willing to believe that Java will do well in comparision to C++ on floating point or elementary function (sine, cosine, sqrt) intensive benchmarks. I am less willing to believe that this is the case for non-floating point benchmarks. What I would like to see is a benchmark built around data structures like linked lists, binary trees, and hash tables. It might include other algorithms like finding a sub-string within a string. If Java beats C++ on these benchmarks then the question is why? The JVM introduces overhead, as does JIT compilation. If Java is faster than C++ compiled into native code there should be a reason.
Some people claim that an optimizing "HotSpot" compiler will generate code that is as good as a static optimizing native compiler. For example, see Java on Steroids: Sun's High-Performance Java Implementation, HotChips IX, August 1997. This is a set of slides, in PDF format, from a talk given by Professor Urs Hoelzle of UC Santa Barbara.
Let us assume for a moment that the HotSpot people are correct: a HotSpot compiler/optimizer will allow Java code to run as fast as optimized native code. Note that the HotSpot compiler is part of the Java virtual machine. The Java virtual machine already has a large memory "footprint". Adding HotSpot will only make it bigger. This makes a JVM with HotSpot impractical in many embedded environments.
Java does not have to be limited to running on a virtual machine. Java can be compiled to native code. Java applications compiled to native code would have performance that is comparable to compiled C or C++. By removing the performance limitations imposed by the JVM, Java could be used to write UNIX style utilities and processor intensive applications.
Only a few features in the class library make compiling Java to native code difficult: specificly the ability to dynamically load classes. Interestingly enough, this is one of the features that is not required for Java support in an embedded environment. So apparently Sun is willing to violate the Java dogma when it suits them.
I've talked to several people who have stated that their productivity was much higher in Java than in C++. I believe that much of this increased productivity is a result of the Java class library. Between the Java standard edition library, the Java "Enterprise" library and libraries available from sources like Apache, Java has the best class library I have ever seen, for any language.
The Java class library has some nice support for networking and many of the applications people mentioned where network related. Most networking applications are limited by the network bandwidth or the performance of the networking stack on the local system. Since these applications are I/O limited, Java's performance is not an issue.
Java also has good support for database operations (e.g., JDBC). Since most of the execution time will be gated by the speed of the database, not the language that calls the database, we can expect that there would be litte difference between a C++ and Java database application.
Java is a very nice language and is, in many ways, an improvement over C++. The performance penalty introduced by the JVM limits Java's applicability. The applications that would benefit from a native compiled version of Java are classic computer applications that read data from disk, process it and write it out to disk or to the display. However, this does not mean that interpretation is not a powerful feature for Java.
Although Java does not change everything, the World Wide Web does. The Web is a new environment for computation. For many Web based applications performance is limited by the network or by the speed that the user inputs data. In these applications the JVM overhead is not a problem and the interpreted nature of Java offers many advantages.
Of all of the Java technology developed by Sun, the most ground breaking is Sun's architecture for distributed computing, Jini. This is not the place to describe Jini technology (see W. Keith Edwards outstanding book Core Jini for an excellent, hype free, description of Jini), but it is only reasonable to note that Jini would not be possible without the JVM.
Although the JVM is a critical component for some Java applications, Java should not be limited to to execution on a JVM. Limiting Java to an interpreted system is marketing and dogma, not engineering.
I have had the good fortune to work for Mike B., who is not only a good manager and all around Mensch, but is also a brilliant engineer. Mike pointed out that when a language is interpreted, the temptation to add features to the virtual machine becomes irresistible. If these complex features are critical to supporting the language, it becomes increasingly difficult to compile the language into native code efficiently. Sun certainly has done nothing to preserve the ability to compile Java into native code.
Java has grown into more than just a language. Several important Java applications rely on features like dynamic object loading (via the Java class loader), serialization, and remote method invocation (RMI). Support for some of these features in native code is difficult. The native code versions of these features may not, in fact, be any faster than code running on a JVM. For example, in the case of RMI an object, consisting of code and data, can be passed as an argument over a network. The system receiving the RMI call may be architecturally different from the system making the call, so native code would cause RMI to fail. Even if the systems were architecturally compatible, the overhead of dynamic linkage may limit the advantages of native code.
So it is possible that Sun may be right. Interpreted Java may turn out to be as fast as native compiled Java. But if this is the case it will not be a result of any Sun technology. Rather, it will be that Sun has larded Java with so many features that the efficiency offered by native code is destroyed by the overhead of the Java environment.
Currently there are very few native Java compilers. Compiler designers are also still learning how to compile features like exceptions efficiently (exceptions wreck havoc with the control flow graph). So it is too early to tell whether this bleak view of native compiled Java is justified.
For the last four years I have been part of a group that has been working on native compilers (or simulators) for the Verilog and VHDL Hardware Design Languages. These languages were originally interpreted. Supporting them in a native environment is a huge challenge. But it can be done and native version is significantly faster than the interpreted version. So I still have faith that if Verilog can be compiled into native code to gain a performance advantage, the same is true for Java. But it may turn out that compiling features like RMI into native code yields no performance improvement.
As noted above, one of the most important applications of RMI is as a foundation for a Jini distributed computing network. The elements of a Jini network must be able to communicate with the Jini protocol. They may, and in many cases must, have a significant non-Java component (e.g., native code device drivers or other software). The fact that Jini code runs on a JVM would not be a performance issue in many cases.
One of the themes of this web page is that the performance of Java can be improved by staticly compiling it into native code. There were a number of companies that sold Java to native code translators or compilers. Only one company, Excelsior, in Russia, still sells Java to native compilers. This is discussed on my companion web page Web Pages Related to Compiling Java into Native Code
Sun, Java and Halloween - The Dark Color of Java by Jon Campbell
This web pages discusses Java as a marketing tool for Sun that can be used to lock in users (since Sun controls the Java language). Microsoft seems to believe this, since they have created C# as their own language to counter Java.
Sun started out selling workstations to scientists, engineers and software developers. Sun's movement from the technical marketplace into the larger marketplace of corporate computing was slow. Many large corporations buy from large vendors they know. Even now, this usually means IBM. In general CEOs of large companies had never heard of Scott McNealy (the CEO of Sun Microsystems). If McNealy called a CEO or Chief Information Officer to support a sale, the call might have been turned down, since the executive might not have heard of Sun or Scott McNealy. Java changed all that. Java got press far beyond anything that Sun directly promoted. Java put Sun Microsystems into the lexicon of executives at large corporations.
There are a few errors in Jon Campbell's web page. He states that Java does not have destructors. This is true. However, Java does have the final method, which acts in a similar fashion. Despite minor errors, Jon's major point is true: Java is a strategic marketing tool for Sun.
Unfortunately, Java has not saved Sun from a fate that is, increasingly, starting to resemble that of Digital Equipment Corporation. Compared to the software development tools shipped by Microsoft, Sun's development environment is pathetic. Their compilers are slow. The only reason that their core base of engineers and software developers use Sun systems is that there were few good alternate UNIX platforms. But this lock-in will not last forever as Linux systems become more an more popular. Not only is Sun software out of date, but Sun hardware is expensive and slow compared to the competing Intel or AMD based platforms. In the long run (the next few years) Sun will fall farther and farther behind. Hewlett-Packard saw this writing on the wall and worked with Intel on the IA-64. Sun is still standing behind SPARC.
Weighing in on Java native compilation, Martyn Honeyford, January 2002
This is an article on the IBM developerWorks web site that discusses compiling Java to native code.
Java Native Compilation Examined, SlashDot.org, January 30, 2002.
This slashdot reference is simply an annoted link to the IBM developerWorks article referenced above. However, there is the usual extensive slashdot discussion, which in this case is largely on topic. What is interesting is that many of the posters echo some of the themes on this web page:
Ian Kaplan, March 17, 2000
Updated: June 15, 2004
Addendum: June 19, 2011
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