Jini and the related distributed computing model holds out the promise of changing the way we interact with the software and hardware services we use. This page is the start of a page on Jini and its supporting technology (remote method invocation, or RMI, and Java serialization). It is under construction and currently just consists of some links for the authors use. It will eventually include a discussion of serializaton, RMI, Jini and Java spaces, along with sample code.
W. Keith Edwards' Jini Planet
Keith Edwards is the author of the book Core Jini. This is a very well written book that covers both Jini and distributed computing. Edwards has a Jini related web page he calls Planet Jini.
The UC Berkeley Ninja project is working on software to support distributed systems and internet applications.
The Ninja project has implemented a clean room Java RMI. They describe their NinjaRMI as:
NinjaRMI is a free ground-up implementation of Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) for use by the Ninja project. This was done for several reasons: We wanted to be free to add new RMI features without relying on Sun's code, and having our own implementation, with source, is a great way to build up new systems.
Ian Kaplan, March 24, 2000
Updated: April 1, 2000
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