package fourier; import java.util.Vector; import util.*; /**

Window functions for the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

The DFT function suffers from the embarrassment of "DFT leakage". When the DFT is calculated on a signal and the magnitude at each point is graphed for a simple function like sin(x), there should be one magnitude point, 1.0, at the sin(x) frequency. However, the actual magnitude will be slightly less than 1.0 and there will be several small sub-magnitudes. These sub-magnitudes are referred to as "DFT leakage". For more complex signals DFT leakage can actually obscure smaller signal subfrequencies.

In Understanding Digital Signal Processing by Richard Lyons, a technique referred to as windowing is described to reduce DFT leakage. Windowing applies a function which smoothly tails off the signal at both ends of the sample. Apparently there are a variety of windowing function described in the DSP literature. Lyons describes three:

  1. Triangular window
  2. Hanning window
  3. Hamming window

These three functions are implemented by methods in the window class. Each method is passed a Vector object, which contains a set of point objects (the point objects contain the x and y values for a sample point). The window function is applied to the y values for each point.

*/ public class window { /**

Apply the "triangle" function to the y values in the point objects contained in vec

For N points in the DFT sample

    for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
    ...if (n >= 0 && n <= N/2)
    ......w(n) = n/(N/2);
    ......w(n) = 2 - n/(N/2);

Where w(n) is the scaling factor by which the sample vec(n) is multiplied.

*/ public void triangle( Vector vec ) { if (vec != null) { int N = vec.size(); if (N > 0) { float scale; float N_over_2 = (N/2); point p; for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { p = (point)vec.elementAt( n ); if (n <= N/2) { scale = ((float)n)/N_over_2; } else { scale = 2.0f - (float)n/N_over_2; } p.y = p.y * scale; } } } } // triangle /**

Both the Hanning and the Hamming window functions (named after two guys with similar names) take the form

      w(n) = coefA - coefB * cos( 2 * PI * n / (N-1))

The "hanning" and "hamming" window functions not only have names with similar functions, but they differ only in their exponents. Presumably there are other similar functions. So cosWinFunc is protected (instead of private) so that it can be referenced by a function in a class derived from this one.

*/ protected void cosWinFunc(float coefA, float coefB, Vector vec ) { if (vec != null) { int len = vec.size(); if (len > 0) { int N_minus_1 = len-1; point p; float new_y, scale, cosArg; for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) { cosArg = (2.0f * (float)Math.PI * n)/N_minus_1; scale = coefA - coefB * (float)Math.cos( cosArg ); p = (point)vec.elementAt( n ); p.y = p.y * scale; } // for } // if } // if } // cosWinFunc /** Apply the "hanning" function to the y values in the point objects contained in vec

For N points in the DFT sample

    for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
    ...w(n) = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos( 2*PI*n/(N-1))

Where w(n) is the scaling factor by which the sample vec(n) is multiplied.

*/ public void hanning( Vector vec ) { cosWinFunc( 0.5f, 0.5f, vec ); } // hanning /** Apply the "hamming" function to the y values in the point objects contained in vec

For N points in the DFT sample

    for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
    ...w(n) = 0.54 - 0.46 * cos( 2*PI*n/(N-1));

Where w(n) is the scaling factor by which the sample vec(n) is multiplied.

*/ public void hamming( Vector vec ) { cosWinFunc( 0.54f, 0.46f, vec ); } // hamming } // window