Building an Exchange Traded Fund Portfolio


This web page discusses the construction of a portfolio of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). This is not an academic exercise. Real money is invested in the resulting portfolio (although you should not put your money into this portfolio).

This portfolio is benchmarked against the S&P 500 (symbol ^GSPC). The portfolio construction is aimed at beating this benchmark on either a risk, return or both.

I've been working on ETF portfolios for a while. My first attempt at building ETF portfolios was for an independent study project when I was in the Computational Finance and Risk Management Masters program at the University of Washington: A Portfolio of Exchange Traded Funds, September 2012.

I would like to think that my skills in quantitative portfolio construction have advanced since I wrote this original paper. This web page publishes my latest work on ETF portfolio construction.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are collections of assets, particularly stocks, that trade like stocks but are structured like mutual funds. ETFs have a variety of advantages over mutual funds:

The Problem of Choice

In practice the first step in portfolio construction is asset choice. In theory the portfolio optimizer can choose the assets but this introduces a number of challenges:

The challenge in choosing ETFs is the vast number of choices, as the ETFs that are available have exploded in the last few years.

Current Results

As a teaser to encourage you to look at the PDF below I've included a plot from the paper. This plot shows one of the portfolios (blue line) vs. the S&P 500 (symbol ^GSPC) (red line). This portfolio has considerably better return than the S&P 500 benchmark.

Maximum return portfolio vs. S&P 500

This plot is discussed in a working paper titled Constructing an ETF Portfolio December 2, 2014 (PDF).

This paper is completely reproducible research. This paper was created/written using R and Knitr. The paper "source" is a combination of LaTex and R code. To create the paper, the paper is run in R studio. This runs all of the R code and generates the tables and plots. As a result, all of the code that generated the plots and tables can be directly examined.

This working paper is an informal discussion of the ETF portfolio construction. This portfolio is designed for real investment and is not an academic exercise.

The Knitr source code (containing the LaTex and R) that generated this PDF can be found here.

The Knitr code uses three supporting files that contain the ETF universe information:

The ETF universe used in the back-test is filtered from the overall ETF universe to remove ETFs that do not have sufficient history. A small R script is used for this:

All market data is downloaded from


  1. The ETF Handbook: How to Value and Trade Exchange Traded Funds, John Wiley and Sons, 2010

  2. Estimating High Dimensional covariance Matrices and its Applications by Jushan Bai and Shuzhong Shi, Columbia University Department of Economics Discussion Paper No.: 1112-03, August 2011.

  3. Honey, I Shrunk the Sample Covariance Matrix by Olivier Ledoit and Michael Wolf, June 2003


This web page is a discussion of investment approaches. The material here does not constitute advice. Make your own decisions and take credit for your own profits and losses.

Ian Kaplan
December 4, 2014
Last updated:

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