Down load source and/or executable
C++ source for Win32 Sierpinski in GNU Tar, GNU Zip format (63Kb). I have updated this version for MS VC++ Version 6.0 and corrected on minor syntax error (in the call to exit) that was caught by the later version of VC++.
To unpack and build do the following (this is tested on Windows NT - no guarantee for Windows 95/98:
Unzip with gzip and untar with gtar. If you don't have gzip or tar down load them here by clicking on the appropriate link.
With my version if Internet Explorer the file is downloaded as sier2_tar.gz. To unzip it enter:
gzip -d sier2_tar.gz
This will result in the file sier2_tar. To untar it (which will create the directory sier2 containing the source and support files) enter:
tar xvf ser2_tar
To build the code:
Start up the MSVC++ Integrated Development Environment.
Select the file menu.
Select Open from the file menu. This will pop-up the open dialog.
Select the sier2 directory. There is a pulldown selection menu labeled File of type.
Select Workspaces (.dsw;.mdp). This will select the sier2.dsw and sier2.mdp files.
Click on the sier2.dsw file. This will open the project. Select "build all" or from the Build menu or simply click on the build icon.
C++ source for Win32 Sierpinski in PKZIP
format (56Kb). Unpack using pkunzip -d file to preserve
the directory hierarchy.
Note: This format has its problems since the version of PKZIP I have
does not handle long file names. As a result, the file names are
truncated into DOS names. A list of orginal file names is included
so the file names can be manually converted back (what a pain).
Executable (Intel 486 code) for Sierpinski program, plus its associated help file (PKZIP format). (290 Kb)
Revised February 4, 2000